• 380 Green Lane. Small Heath. Birmingham. B9 5DT
  • 07411381042 - 07982144203
  • ATOL Number 10459 Hajj and 3853 For Flights

BAH Travel

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

We are Bah  Travel Company LTD as Bah  Travel Company LTD (company registration number 11737377) ("We", "us" and "our") 380 Gren Lane. Small Heath, Birmingham, B9 5DT. In these Booking Conditions references to "you" and "your" include the first named person on the booking and all persons on whose behalf a booking is made or any other person to whom a booking is transferred. A ‘package’, ‘organiser’ and ‘lack of conformity’ have the same meaning as in the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 and ‘arrangements’ are all the holiday, tour and other arrangements detailed on your confirmation (including any additions or amendments).


Our obligations to you will vary depending upon whether we package arrangements for you, or act as an agent for another travel supplier. References to packages in these Booking Conditions are to packages for which We are the organiser, and if we sell you arrangements on behalf of another travel supplier as an agent, your contract will be with that supplier, and we shall only have responsibility to you in accordance with section 12(A)(ii) of these Booking Conditions.


Please note that these booking conditions only apply to bookings made over the telephone with Bah  Travel Company LTD.


Accuracy of information


We endeavour to ensure the accuracy of all the information and prices in our advertising material. However, occasionally changes and errors do arise and we reserve the right to correct them in such circumstances. You must check the current price and all other information relating to the arrangements that you wish to book before your booking is confirmed. Furthermore, we will not be liable for booking errors which are attributable to you or which are caused by unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances as defined in clause 9.

Key terms


1.   You will enter into a binding contract with us when we issue our confirmation. If you then cancel your arrangements, you will

be required to pay cancellation charges up to 100% of the cost of your arrangement, depending on how long before travel you cancel, and/or the terms and conditions of the suppliers whose services make up your arrangements


2.  You can make changes to your confirmed arrangements in certain circumstances. We will make a charge for processing these changes;


3.    We may make changes to and cancel your confirmed arrangements but we will provide suitable alternatives and pay you compensation in certain circumstances if we do so;


4.   We are responsible for making sure your confirmed arrangements are not performed negligently but there are some limits on and exceptions to this.


For all bookings, the party leader must be at least 18, and must be authorised to make the booking on the basis of these Booking Conditions by all persons named on the booking. In making the booking, the party leader confirms that he/she is so authorised and that all party members agree to be bound by these Booking Conditions. The party leader is responsible for making all payments due to us. Subject to the availability of all component parts of your requested arrangements and receipt by us of all applicable payments, Our agreement becomes binding when we issue a confirmation, either directly to you or via any agent we have authorised to act on our behalf. Please check all details on the confirmation (or any other document issued) immediately on receipt. It may not be possible to make changes to your arrangements later so you should notify us of any inaccuracies in any documentation as soon as reasonably possible after you receive them. It may harm your rights and ability to travel if you don’t.

The suppliers whose services make up your arrangements make those supplies in accordance with their own terms and conditions which will also form part of your agreement with us. Some of these terms and conditions may limit or exclude the supplier's liability to you, usually in accordance with applicable International Conventions. Copies of the relevant parts of these terms and conditions are available on request from ourselves or the supplier concerned.

2.                   Payment

You must make payment for your arrangements in accordance with the instructions we give. If we do not receive any payment due in full and on time, we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you in which case the cancellation charges set out in clause 7 below will become payable.

3.                   Insurance 

We do not provide travel insurance.  Customers can arrange for their own travel insurance.